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Official Caldecott News

For the latest construction progress and other information regarding the Caldecott Fourth Bore Project, visit the official website:

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Breakthrough of the Caldecott Tunnel’s Fourth Bore Marks a Major Project Milestone

Oakland, California, November 29, 2011 – the tunnel “breakthrough” occurred on November 29, 2011 at 2:37pm, when the tunnel’s eastern

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Speaking at Transportation Cabinet of Kentucky’s Tunnel Seminar

Frankfort, Kentucky, December 5-6, 2011 – Vojtech Gall, Ph.D., P.E. shared his expertise on NATM / SEM Design and Construction

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GZ Principal, Kurt Zeidler, Ph.D., CEng at IS-AGTG

Singapore, December 1-2, 2011 – GZ Principal, Kurt Zeidler, Ph.D., CEng enjoyed speaking at the International Symposium on Advances in

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