Instrumentation and Monitoring

GZ’s Instrumentation and Monitoring solutions ensure that structures are monitored adequately and precisely to ensure safety and stability before, during, and after construction.

The development of Instrumentation & Monitoring (I&M) schemes for tunneling and other underground structures has always been, and continues to be, an integral part of our tunnel design services. Especially in consideration of the geological uncertainties inherent in all underground construction projects, proper I&M can verify that a design is functioning as intended and ensure safe and stable conditions during and after construction. A well laid out I&M scheme ahead of construction with associated baseline readings can ensure a realistic assestment of existing conditions before beginning construction. To this end, GZ’s engineers support pre-construction activities, such as developing precondition surveys, to provide a baseline upon which owners, engineers and contractors can build their project.

Expert Analysis During and After Construction

Even a well laid out I&M scheme is subject to interference from outside influences. As such, experts are often needed to make sense of and filter the gathered information. GZ’s engineers are experts at evaluating and interpreting onsite readings produced by our or someone else’s I&M scheme. In doing so, GZ’s engineers provide consistent on-call site supervision services to ensure that everything is going according to plan.


BIM Integration

Collecting data is one thing but presenting data in a comprehensible and easy-to-digest fashion is something else entirely. At GZ, we work with industry leading BIM software to incorporate I&M information into overarching project models. This ensures that I&M data is presented in an organized manner that allows all project participants to clearly make sense of the readings. Furthermore, our connections with leading developers of BIM-compatible I&M software ensures that our BIM schemes are always up-to-date and feature the latest tools the industry has to offer.